Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Empower yourself - get informed about energy!

I've put together an extended reading list to help you get informed about energy.  If you have anything to add to the list, please feel free to do so by clicking on "comments" at the end of the post.

A great place to start is the Energy Information Administration website, which provides the Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government.  The website provides all the statistics you can imagine with regard to our current energy usage, as well as forecasts for the future.  This is where I started my research for this blog. 

I'm sure most of my readers are already well versed on the McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden energy plans, but in case you need a refresher:

If you want to get a better understanding of the some of the different energy sources and how they work:

Sources of information regarding the different types of renewable energy:

An in-depth look at nuclear energy:

MIT Technology Review for clean coal technology:

Obviously, one of the biggest challenges we face with regard to energy is how to reduce the amount of gasoline we use, and of course we use most of it in our cars for transportation.  Many new vehicles are being designed to use less gasoline, but not all of them are created equal when it comes to their ultimate impact on the environment.  In order to get a better understanding of the different types of vehicles, how they work, and what stage of development they are in, please visit:

Some interesting articles covering the latest news in energy:

If you want to check out what a few non-governmental groups are doing to address our energy issues:

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